If you have a Cavalier King Charles spaniel and are looking to breed or are thinking of getting a puppy then you may wonder just how large their litters are.
The litter size of Cavalier King Charles spaniels will depend on the age of the mother, her health and how many seasons she has been in heat. Whilst a first time Cavalier mother may have just three youngsters, a more experienced mother could have up to seven. There is no guarantee on litter size but average figures are one to six puppies.
The average litter
Cavalier King Charles have a smooth, relatively short gestation period of between fifty five and sixty three days.
In this time they will typically produce one to six puppies with an average of 3.5 puppies being born.
If you are considering getting a puppy from a litter then it is worth remembering that litters which have been sired by a first time father tend to be larger than those that the mother has produced with her previous mate.

The number of siblings in each litter is largely due to chance and whether she mates with one male or several, but overall it is not unusual for litters of puppies to range from one or two up to five or six pups.
Mother’s age
The age at which a female Cavalier will first produce her own litter can vary.
A Cavalier King Charles should not really have a litter until she is at least two years old, this is true of any of the spaniel breeds.
A six year old mother may have already had several seasons before she produces her first young, whereas another that is younger may have already produced some puppies prior to this.
The average age for a female Cavalier to give birth to the first of many litters is three years old.
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Litter size and the number of puppies in each litter
The average litter size for a healthy Cavalier is one to six puppies, although it is not unusual for a first time mother to only produce two or three puppies.
The number of siblings each litter will depend on several factors:
Whether she mates with one male or several.
The number of previous seasons she has been in heat which determines how many eggs have been produced by her ovaries and whether they fertilised or not.
Generally a younger, less experienced mother will produce a smaller litter than a more seasoned bitch.

Should I get a male or female Cavalier King Charles spaniel?
If you are interested in getting a puppy from a litter you should consider what sex of puppy you would prefer.
There is no right or wrong choice, and many factors will influence your decision.
It’s important to remember that un-neutered males will need more attention, they are likely to be more boisterous and play harder than their female counterpart.
Males tend to be larger than females so be mindful of this when looking at where you’re going to place your new pet.
If space is limited then the best option may be a smaller, female Cavalier King Charles spaniel.
If you want an easy-going pet that can live happily in either a busy family environment or on its own with one or two other dogs then a female will be the best choice.
Final words
Cavalier King Charles spaniel litters can be any size, the average is one to six puppies.
A first time mother may only produce 2 or 3 puppies where as an experienced mum could have up to 7.
The number of puppies within each litter is largely due to chance, but overall it is not unusual for litters of pups to range from 1 or 2 upwards to five or six pups.