Many humans suffer from allergic reactions to pollen during the summer months and, for people, it is widely recognised and there are ways to deal with the discomfort.
If you have a dog then you may be wondering do dogs get hayfever? The answer is yes, dogs can suffer from an allergic reaction to pollen that we would call hayfever, and thankfully there are ways that we can help to relieve the irritation.
What causes hayfever in dogs?
Hayfever generally occurs during the spring and summer months, but it can also be triggered by dust and other particles.
Hayfever in humans is well known and is normally displayed by a runny nose and sore eyes.
In dogs, hayfever is an allergic reaction to tiny particles of pollen that are released by flowers and blossom (or tiny particles of household or similar dust).
Household particles are the main cause of hayfever in dogs, with a reaction from pollen being considered rare and unusual.
What are the symptoms of hayfever in dogs?
In dogs the symptoms can seem similar but there are also some other things that dogs can experience if they have hayfever.
The first time I came across dog hayfever was with my Springer spaniel, Fern. She experienced severe skin irritation which made her chew her front legs badly enough that overnight she had created bare patches that needed surgery.
If you see your dog nibbling or biting himself then it could be a sign of hayfever which can cause severe skin irritation for your dog and can result in bare patches.
If your dog’s skin has bare patches or looks raw or flaky then he could be suffering from hayfever and you should seek professional advice from your vet.
Other symptoms can be often seen in your dog’s eyes, which may appear runny and inflamed – this is a problem that my Cocker spaniel Boris experiences – caused by pollen.
Can hayfever affect a dog’s eyes?
Yes, your dog’s eyes can become irritated by dust and pollen which can result in swelling and can make his eyes water.
It may affect both eyes or just a single eye as experienced by my eldest spaniel who develops eye irritations every summer.
If you notice that your dog’s eyes are watering then you should check them to make sure that he doesn’t have any foreign object in them ( such as grass seeds).
You can use a cold cloth to gently bathe them and soothe them and wash your dog’s face with cool, clean water – without soap.

Can pollen make my dog cough?
If the pollen levels are particularly high or if your dog is prone to allergic reactions to pollen then it is possible that it could cause him to cough or sneeze.
Most dogs experience skin and eye irritations and coughing is not common.
Should your dog develop a persistent cough then you should take him to the vet’s for professional advice and support.

Can I give my dog Piriton for hayfever?
Most human anti histamines will not work very well on dogs. Only a small number of dogs may benefit from this type of product and, even then, the effects are likely to be much less than they are on people.
It’s never a good idea to give your dog any medicines that have not been prescribed by your vet and you should always get professional advice from a veterinarian who will also prescribe the best solution for your dog.
What natural remedies can I give my dog for hayfever?
There are a number of things that you can do to help your dog if he is suffering from hayfever.
Take him for walks early in the morning or last thing at night when pollen levels are lower
Choose a different destination for walks and try to involve some water to soothe his skin
Bathe his eyes with cool water and use some over the counter hay fever eye drops
Bath him with cool water and use a soothing shampoo such as this Sensitive skin shampoo for dogs
Keep him indoors at the warmest parts of the day to help reduce the exposure to pollen
Apply Aloe Vera gel to any bare or sore skin areas make sure it is organic such as this one
Wash your dog’s paws in Apple Cider Vinegar which will remove pollen and oher irritants – you can get Apple Cider Vinegar here.
Add coconut oil to your dog’s meals – it can help to reduce inflammation and irritation. You can get Coconut Oil here.

How can I help my dog with hayfever?
There are some other things that you can do to help your dog with his hayfever.
Get a good air filter kit for your house. A HEPA air purifier such as this one, will help to keep the air in your home free of dust and pollen and other allergens that can cause your dog’s hayfever.
Bath your dog regularly and use a gentle, soothing shampoo that will moisturize his skin.
Try to take him out for walks to places where he can swim. Sea water can have an antiseptic effect and can help with irritable skin.
Keep your dog’s bed and any other areas that he uses clean. Wash his bedding regularly and keep the rest of the home well vacuumed and as free from dust as you are able to manage.
Consult your vet and get professional advice and recommendations. Veterinarians are often the first to know of new products and techniques for problems such as hayfever and your vet should be involved if your dog has problems.
Soothing shampoo for dogs with hayfever
[amazon table=”4078″]
Final Words – Do dogs get hayfever?
We’ve seen that dogs can suffer from hayfever and there are various causes for it and signs that your dog may be uncomfortable.
If you see any symptoms of hayfever in your dog then you should always get professional help from your vet.
There are ways that you can help your dog yourself as well through cleanliness, walks and some basic treatments as we’ve seen.
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