Anyone who has ever owned a dog knows that they come in all shapes and sizes.
But did you know that some dogs are naturally faster than others? We will take a look at the fastest dog breeds in the world.
So if you’re looking for a pet that can keep up with you on your walks or runs, one of these breeds might be the right fit for you.
The Greyhound is the fastest dog breed in the world. These dogs can run up to 45 miles per hour over short distances. For endurance the Saluki beats the Greyhound when faced with distances of over half a mile, in fact, over distance the Saluki is more capable than the fastest mammal, the Cheetah.
How fast can dogs run?
Most dogs can run at incredibly fast speeds and, as anyone that has ever tried to catch an escaping puppy or older dog can tell you, even the smallest of dogs can truly speed off, with all four legs spinning like fast cogs leaving human owners with little, if any chance of catching them.

Even the smallest dog can reach speeds of up to 20 MPH and can maintain that speed for much longer than most humans.
Like athletes, dogs vary in their capacity for speed and their ability depending on the environment.
Just as sprinters vary from marathon runners and also from people that run off road on difficult terrain, so it is with dogs.
Speed or endurance?
Most people will be familiar with strongman type competitions where competitors seek to lift the most weight to see who is the strongest.
In some modern versions the strength and power aspects have been enhanced with endurance – you may be able to lift the weight but how far can you carry it?
When considering what is the fastest dog you can look at the answer from a similar perspective.

Although not a dog most people know about the Cheetah, it can reach speeds, in short sprints, of 70 MPH.
The Greyhound – the fastest dog – can achieve speeds of 45 MPH, which is why this breed is used for dog racing – but these races are over 550 yards, a third of a mile or half a kilometre.
The Saluki – a desert hunting dog bred for speed, has been measured at 43 MPH, constantly, over distances of 2 kilometers or just over 1 mile, making it the fastest land mammal over distance – faster than the Cheetah.
So, what is the fastest dog? Short sprints or desert hunter?
You decide.
The fastest dogs on the planet
The Greyhound

The Greyhound is the fastest dog on a straight, level track.
They are a sleek, slender and fit dog and the breed has been clocked at speeds of up to 45 MPH.
This dog is the choice of racers and can be found competing around the world at dog racing tracks due to it’s speed and racing heritage.
If you’re looking for a running partner that can really move, the Greyhound is your best bet.
The Saluki

Over distances of more than half a mile the Saluki beats the Greyhound as the fastest dog.
In 1996 the breed qualified for the Guinness Book of Records hitting a speed of 43 MPH.
The Saluki is a sighthound that was originally bred in the Middle East.
Originating in Egypt, the breed is still used as a hunting dog, chasing down gazelle and hares over long desert distances.
Salukis are noble, gentle dogs that need plenty of exercise and stimulation to stay happy.
The Whippet

The Whippet is another sighthound that makes the list of fastest dogs.
This dog looks similar to a Greyhound but is smaller in stature.
They have been recorded as running up to 35 MPH and make excellent running partners due to their smaller size, making them easier to handle on runs.
Whippets are gentle and loving dogs that make great family pets.
The Border Collie

The Border Collie is a herding dog that was originally bred in the border region between England and Scotland.
This breed is known for its intelligence and trainability.
Border Collies are often used in sheepdog trials and are excellent at herding livestock.
The Border Collie has been recorded as running up to 30 MPH and makes a great companion for active people.
Border Collies are intelligent, hardworking dogs that need plenty of exercise and stimulation to stay happy.
The Hungarian Vizla

This upland bird dog is one of the fastest dogs over a mile.
Bred to handle the difficult terrain of moorland and high altitude countryside the Vizla is a powerful and fast dog that is not only quick on land but is also an excellent swimmer.
An athletic and active breed the Vizla is a hard dog to beat over tricky country.
Hungarian Vizlas are friendly, energetic dogs that need plenty of exercise.
The Weimaraner

This German hunting dog is one of the fastest dogs over short distances.
Bred to track down big game such as deer and bear, the Weimaraner is a powerful and athletic breed.
This dog has been recorded as running up to 30 MPH and is an excellent companion for active people.
Weimaraners are friendly, energetic dogs that need plenty of exercise.
The Canaan Dog

This ancient breed of dog was originally bred by the nomadic Bedouin people of the Middle East.
The Canaan Dog is a versatile breed that can be used for herding, hunting, and guarding.
This breed is not as well known as some of the other dogs on this list but is just as fast, with speeds of up to 35 MPH.
Canaan Dogs are intelligent, hardworking dogs that need plenty of exercise and stimulation to stay happy.
The Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small but mighty breed of dog.
This terrier was originally bred as a hunting dog and is still used for this purpose in many parts of the world.
The Jack Russell has been known to reach speeds of up to 32 MPH and is a tenacious breed that doesn’t give up easily.
This dog is full of energy and needs plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy.
The Dalmatian

The Dalmatian is a medium sized dog that was originally bred as a carriage dog.
They were often seen running alongside carriages to help protect them from bandits.
The Dalmatian has a unique spotty coat and is one of the most recognizable dog breeds in the world.
This breed can run up to 37 MPH and makes a great running or hiking partner.
Dalmatians are friendly, energetic dogs that need plenty of exercise.
The Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog is a herding dog that was bred to help farmers move their cattle around the vast expanses of Australia.
This breed is known for its endurance and can run for miles without tiring.
The Australian Cattle Dog has been recorded as running up to 30 MPH and makes a great companion for active people.
Australian Cattle Dogs are intelligent, hardworking dogs that need plenty of exercise and stimulation to stay happy.

Final words
There is no question that dogs are fast, even a small dog such as the Jack Russell Terrier will leave a human choking on it’s dust.
With most fit dogs able to achieve speeds of over 25 MPH it’s easy to see why this species has become so important and popular as a working companion for people.
When combined with it’s superior sense of smell and agility, the dog continues to be an invaluable asset to humans, even in the modern world.
So, next time you’re out for a run or hike, consider bringing along your furry friend and see just how fast they can go.
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