Spaniel Training and Dog Care

Dog Behaviour

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  • Can dogs sense evil?

    Can dogs sense evil?

    Dogs have some great abilities and seem to be able to detect things that humans cannot. How do they do it?

  • How good is a dog’s memory?

    How good is a dog’s memory?

    They say that an elephant never forgets, but what about dogs? How good is a dog’s memory? If you ever had a dog, you know that they will probably recognize you even after staying away from them for a couple of days. This is because dogs who stay away from their owners have well-developed senses of smell…

  • Do dogs like indoor dog kennels?

    Do dogs like indoor dog kennels?

    Indoor kennels can be a great way to keep your dog safe and comfortable when you can’t have them outside or when you are busy around the house and can’t watch your dog properly. An indoor house for your dog will also be your pet’s safe place, somewhere where he can settle down and get…

  • Should dogs sleep in their owner’s beds?

    Should dogs sleep in their owner’s beds?

    There are lots of articles and other items on that cover training, feeding, care and welfare but one area that I’ve not really talked about is the significant question that is – Should your dog sleep on your bed? Yes, why not? Providing your dog understands the basic household dynamics and rules then, in…

  • Do dogs like snow?

    Do dogs like snow?

    When winter arrives it is common for many places to see snow, with some areas getting more of it than others. Your dog will need to get out for exercise regardless of the weather conditions which leads us to ask ‘do dogs like snow’? Most dogs are like children and love it when the snow…

  • How do you keep your house clean with dogs?

    How do you keep your house clean with dogs?

    If you have dogs then you’ll be familiar with the doggy smell that can invade your home along with dog hairs, mud and wide variety of other, general dog messiness. It can be a challenge to keep your home clean and smelling fresh and, the more dogs that you have the more difficult it can…

  • Why do dogs bark in their sleep?

    Why do dogs bark in their sleep?

    If you have a dog or have ever been around dogs when they sleep then there is a strong possibility that you will have heard them barking or yipping while they are asleep. Often this will be accompanied by lip twitching, paw twitching and movement of legs and, for a novice dog owner, can, at…